Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Jesse Girl Is Going Home

I just got off the phone,........and Jesse has a new home,......
this part is always a little sad, thinking that soon I will have to say goodbye to Jesse, and how quiet our home will be without her.
Her know her new Mom and Dad, will take great care of her, and Jesse will be a happy girl!
I hope they can get used to a little 27lb. tornado spinning through their house, at 200 MPH, and barking at the same time!! The barking isn't so bad as she usually has a toy in her mouth, so it is kind of muffled!! But as she tips her food bowl over, and food goes flying all over the place, she drops her toy, and jumps straight up in the air, to finish the performance, by spilling the water bowl!! Aaahh,....Jesse, that's my girl!!