Monday, February 20, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hi all,Thought I would share some pics from the Toledo to Sandusky leg this morning.
Both girls rode great for me, Jessie in her crate andGracie laying face to face in front of her.
I think they were kind of comforted a little because I was all new but they recognized each other.
While we waited at McDonald's for Sandy, I let Jessie out of the crate and Gracie immedietly rolled over in a submissive position.
Jessie gave her sweet kisses on her snout and they were very friendly. Gracie was a little nervous but she just crawled in my lap while Jessie was trying to chase the birds she saw outside.

Jessie is full of the bird-dog spirit and just wanted play play play!
Gracie is more gentle and refined and Jessie seemed more like a "tom-boy".
Well, that was just my experience in the short time we spent together and I loved every minute of it!!!
Here are some pics from when we were waiting in the parking lot.
Congratulations to the new proud parents!!!
You are very lucky and so are these beautiful girls!!
Laurie Craig

These are a little late, but this is the first day of Jesses journey, There
was so much salt on the ground and it was so cold I was picking her up, she
got a little wiggly and squirmed her lower half off my leg, We did not wait
to re-take it, it was to cold. What a honey she is, one lucky family on the
other end of this trip. Of course we have to have a picture of her luggage,
Ha Ha. Spoiled already!!!!!!!!!
Notes from Jesse's Overnight Hostess!

Jesse is a great little dog. After wearing herself out playing she dropped off to sleep. She loes the cats! She finally ate a handfull of food in the car on the way to meet Tammy.
Oh, Jesse did much better with the other dogs when she was not on the leash... They all ran around the yard and played. She and Droobie layed on the floor and did "Bite-Face". Biskit was so jealous that "His Drewbie" was playing with someone else. They all piled on the bed, went to sleep (Jesse was vrry alert with all the cats moving thru the house during the night) Jesse ended up at the head of the bed, by the pillow and my big male cat "Tigger"
Bags Are Packed,, we go!

Headed down the road,.... Jesse had never insisted that she sit in my lap before,....being she is only 27 lbs., I let her ride there for a short while, there were some things I needed to speak to her about,......
For some reason I think She actually listened to what I had said,.... this is the most serious face I had ever seen on her face

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A Happy Valentine for Jesse!
Jesse pleasantly surprised me today, it was a balmy 55 degrees in Iowa on this Valentines Day, so we hit the dog park,.....
When we arrived, there were about a dozen dogs already there, I was a little nervous after what had happened last weekend ,when we had 2 overnight house guests, two little Brittnay's,....Jesse made it very clear that she did not approve of them in her house.
Which I have totally chalked up tp my own fault,...I wasn't thinking as I brought the two pups into the house, ...Into Jesse's territory,....Jesse had not seen me all day, and had been boarded all day at my vets, since I had to go out of town, and she was scheduled for her Health cert. Visit later on in the day,..
With her upcoming transport, I thought it only right that I disclose this information to the transporters,.....That Jesse had a fear/aggression issue with strange dogs,......
After today ,seems I may have jumped the gun, since we got Jesse, after Thanksgiving and we have not had a chance to get to the dog park when there are other dogs around to actually test her temperament,...
I took several photo's of Jesse interacting with the dogs that were there today, notice her body posture, she is very submissive, her tail wagged the whole time, when they got a little too close she would high tail it back to me, for a second ,and try another attempt to join them, not one growl, bark, or a raised hackle,.....
I was extremely proud of our girl today..
I will still send along a crate with her anyway, just in case.
When we arrived, there were about a dozen dogs already there, I was a little nervous after what had happened last weekend ,when we had 2 overnight house guests, two little Brittnay's,....Jesse made it very clear that she did not approve of them in her house.
Which I have totally chalked up tp my own fault,...I wasn't thinking as I brought the two pups into the house, ...Into Jesse's territory,....Jesse had not seen me all day, and had been boarded all day at my vets, since I had to go out of town, and she was scheduled for her Health cert. Visit later on in the day,..
With her upcoming transport, I thought it only right that I disclose this information to the transporters,.....That Jesse had a fear/aggression issue with strange dogs,......
After today ,seems I may have jumped the gun, since we got Jesse, after Thanksgiving and we have not had a chance to get to the dog park when there are other dogs around to actually test her temperament,...
I took several photo's of Jesse interacting with the dogs that were there today, notice her body posture, she is very submissive, her tail wagged the whole time, when they got a little too close she would high tail it back to me, for a second ,and try another attempt to join them, not one growl, bark, or a raised hackle,.....
I was extremely proud of our girl today..
I will still send along a crate with her anyway, just in case.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Jesse Girl Is Going Home

I just got off the phone,........and Jesse has a new home,......
this part is always a little sad, thinking that soon I will have to say goodbye to Jesse, and how quiet our home will be without her.
Her know her new Mom and Dad, will take great care of her, and Jesse will be a happy girl!
I hope they can get used to a little 27lb. tornado spinning through their house, at 200 MPH, and barking at the same time!! The barking isn't so bad as she usually has a toy in her mouth, so it is kind of muffled!! But as she tips her food bowl over, and food goes flying all over the place, she drops her toy, and jumps straight up in the air, to finish the performance, by spilling the water bowl!! Aaahh,....Jesse, that's my girl!!